Install Container Insights

As every namespace in our EKS cluster has a folder in our repo that contains the declarations of the resources we want to live in that namespace, we will need a new folder for the amazon-cloudwatch namespace.

Create a amazon-cloudwatch folder in our repo:

├── amazon-cloudwatch
├── appmesh-system
│   ├── appmesh-controller.yaml
│   ├── appmesh-inject.yaml
│   ├── appmesh-prometheus.yaml
│   └── crds.yaml
├── namespaces
│   ├── amazon-cloudwatch.yaml
│   └── appmesh-system.yaml

Now run the following commands to download the CloudWatch Agent resources into the new folder:

The command below assumes you are running the workshop from us-west-2 (Oregon). If you are using a different region make sure you replace us-west-2 in the command with your region.

# Download container insights
curl | sed "s/{{cluster_name}}/gitopsworkshop/;s/{{region_name}}/us-west-2/" > amazon-cloudwatch/cwagent-fluentd-quickstart.yaml

# Download the CloudWatch Agent for prometheus
curl > amazon-cloudwatch/cwagent-prometheus-eks.yaml

Your folder structure should look like this now:

├── amazon-cloudwatch
│   ├── cwagent-fluentd-quickstart.yaml
│   └── cwagent-prometheus-eks.yaml
├── appmesh-system
│   ├── appmesh-controller.yaml
│   ├── appmesh-inject.yaml
│   ├── appmesh-prometheus.yaml
│   └── crds.yaml
├── namespaces
│   ├── amazon-cloudwatch.yaml
│   └── appmesh-system.yaml

Edit the cwagent-fluentd-quickstart.yaml and cwagent-prometheus-eks.yaml to delete the following (which should appear at the beginning of each file):

# create amazon-cloudwatch namespace
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: amazon-cloudwatch
    name: amazon-cloudwatch

Add and then commit the 2 files and push the the changes to your GitHub repo.

Flux will now see that the desired state of the amazon-cloudwatch namespace has changed in Git and will apply the resources to our cluster. This will take up to 1 minute to apply.

Check that that the CRDs has been created by running the following command:

kubectl get pods -n amazon-cloudwatch

You should see the agent running:

NAME                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
cwagent-prometheus-75dfcd47d7-h24pd   1/1     Running   0          21s