Install an Application Load Balancer Ingress Controller

This manifest actually creates the ingress controller. Copy and paste the following into a file called alb-ingress.yaml in each of your terminal windows. We will be creating two files, one for each cluster, as we must place the actual cluster name in this file. Replace the XXXXXXXX on the cluster-name option with the name of your cluster.

Once you have edited these two file, use kubectl apply -f alb-ingress.yaml in each of your terminal sessions to install the ingress controllers in each of your clusters. In more advanced GitOps usage, the different cluster names would be handled with a template, and the manifest templating tool like helm or using kustomize templates. For simplicity, we’re doing this installation directly.

# Application Load Balancer (ALB) Ingress Controller Deployment Manifest.
# This manifest details sensible defaults for deploying an ALB Ingress Controller.
# GitHub:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  labels: alb-ingress-controller
  name: alb-ingress-controller
  # Namespace the ALB Ingress Controller should run in. Does not impact which
  # namespaces it's able to resolve ingress resource for. For limiting ingress
  # namespace scope, see --watch-namespace.
  namespace: kube-system
    matchLabels: alb-ingress-controller
      labels: alb-ingress-controller
        - name: alb-ingress-controller
            # Limit the namespace where this ALB Ingress Controller deployment will
            # resolve ingress resources. If left commented, all namespaces are used.
            # - --watch-namespace=your-k8s-namespace

            # Setting the ingress-class flag below ensures that only ingress resources with the
            # annotation "alb" are respected by the controller. You may
            # choose any class you'd like for this controller to respect.
            - --ingress-class=alb

            # REQUIRED
            # Name of your cluster. Used when naming resources created
            # by the ALB Ingress Controller, providing distinction between
            # clusters.
            - --cluster-name=XXXXXXXXXX

            # AWS VPC ID this ingress controller will use to create AWS resources.
            # If unspecified, it will be discovered from ec2metadata.
            # - --aws-vpc-id=vpc-xxxxxx

            # AWS region this ingress controller will operate in.
            # If unspecified, it will be discovered from ec2metadata.
            # List of regions:
            # - --aws-region=us-west-1

            # Enables logging on all outbound requests sent to the AWS API.
            # If logging is desired, set to true.
            # - --aws-api-debug
            # Maximum number of times to retry the aws calls.
            # defaults to 10.
            # - --aws-max-retries=10
          # env:
            # AWS key id for authenticating with the AWS API.
            # This is only here for examples. It's recommended you instead use
            # a project like kube2iam for granting access.
            #- name: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
            #  value: KEYVALUE

            # AWS key secret for authenticating with the AWS API.
            # This is only here for examples. It's recommended you instead use
            # a project like kube2iam for granting access.
            #- name: AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
            #  value: SECRETVALUE
          # Repository location of the ALB Ingress Controller.
      serviceAccountName: alb-ingress-controller